Monday, July 30, 2007

Security Blankets

Here we are again. It's a Monday. Aarrggh. Being out of the office is nice but not having your normal bed, pillow and stuffed Elephant is torturous.

So. Just to feel more comfortable in a foreign hotels and etc, I usually bring my mum's sarong with me. (A clean one, of course) It makes sleeping in a foreign bed in a foreign place more 'sleepable'.

Since I was young, I've always had a pillow 'busuk' (smelly pillow which refers to a security blanket). Eventhough I will not particularly die if I do not have it with me, I am surely more comforted if I had one. I don't think I can grow out of it.

On another note.

One thing I've learnt. How do you judge a hotel? Check the toilets first. It'll be an indication of what to expect. eeeeewwww

Saturday, July 14, 2007

11 Year old????

Check this out!

More than meets the eye

Today I went to see Transformers the movie.

My, my, all I could see was lots of metal everywhere. Send them to Penang and you'll get rusty Transformers.

For one who only watches cartoons and Lord of the Rings, I don't mind watching it again. (Perhaps getting better seats further from the screen.) I like the Linkin Park song.

But Of Course,

The girls have to be pretty

All of a sudden everyone from Qatar to Australia knows what The Cube is. (I am still figuring that one out)

Everyone converge (from nowhere) to fight the bad guys.

The good characterbot who died only spoke 2 sentences in the whole movie.

Except for the Bots in colours I could not make out whom for what. It was just metal here there and everywhere.

Good=Blue eyes Bad=Red eyes (except for one blue-eyed bot who is a bad guy).

Why doesn't Optimus Prime stick the cube into Megatron and just kill him off straight away.

Sack the Sec of Def, why endanger the whole city when one can go to some desert or something to fight your guts out.

(This list is non-exhaustive)

Anyway, I like the song by Linkin Park and Optimus Prime is so macho (and he does not need to be hairy). Wouldn't mind spending another RM9.

Friday, July 13, 2007

I like her !

She is so cool! Here is another one. Just great. I feel so happy :)

Monday, July 9, 2007

Tuesday Blues

Tomorrow is Tuesday and I have to WORK!!!!! AAARRGG!!!

Just that I have just come back from a long weekend and I do not want it to end. *sob*

I think I need an environment change at my work place or a very long weekend. I just feel bleh...

Saturday, July 7, 2007

I don't get it.

I strongly believe that birthdays are for the mothers and not the child. I mean, all the kid did was to pop out in all oblivion. Mum on the other hand had to carry baby for 9 months, puking for 3 months (or possibly all 9 months), battling stretch marks, feeling like crap and then going through labour for forever and then more toiling and gnashing of teeth bringing up baby.

So, in conjunction with my birthday today, my Mum should be cutting the cake. My mum should be getting the birthday dinner and my mum should be getting the presents.. :)

Blessed Birthday Mi!


My first day at 31.

You know you are 31 when :

- No matter how interesting the evening is, you feel really sleepy at 9.30pm.
- Your birthday dinner is a dinner thing that starts at 7.30pm and ends at 9.30pm.
- Your birthday song is sung softer.
- Your 'cake' is made out of little cherry tomatoes with bunny ears and not a sweet sinful cream smothered cake that will go straight to the hips.(yes my good friend actually did some vege art and turned cherry tomatoes into cute little bunnies.... it was so cool).
- You start to be on screen saver mode by 10.00pm and go on auto hibernate at 10.17pm.

Anyhow, this was one of my best birthdays. I spent it with my family and old friends (whom I met by chance!). It was just great. Even sleep deprived, today has been just so worth it. I live for days like these.

zzzz with a :)

Thursday, July 5, 2007

No. 31

This is my last day to be 30. Imagine going on to my Four - O. The thing is, i may be 31 but I feel like a 23 year old. I still remember the stuff my friends and I used to do, or talk about, laugh about.

My best friend and I used to do loads of stuff together when we were in our twenties and very much single. It was college in the day and Planet Hollywood in the night, right up to 1am or 2am... without transport home. Nonsense... tempting providence to the hilt. God must have been sending guardian angels and doing an overtime on us.

If my daughter would to pull a stunt like this, I will lock her in the highest tower guarded by a fire-spitting dragon. Oh yes... mummy can summon dragons :)

Shang - Ri La Putrajaya... NOT


One should NEVER go there for buffet lunch. It was such a dissapointment. For RM50++ - RM60++ something, I thought it was a heavy breakfast buffet in a 3 star hotel.

Sheesh... they don't even replenish the trays. The fish whatever was swimming in oil. The chicken whatever was having an oil bath as well. Everything was the spicy-oily type. Eeek!

Pokoknya, don't have meals there. Not worth your money and time. Even the tea tasted like left over bittergourd juice with brown colouring.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Yes!!!!! Finally I am taking 5 days off work to go back home to chill. You cannot believe how much I need this break. Everyday has been back breaking in the office. If this continues I will look like a 90 yr old. Have to check out the market once again. I need a job that pays well and gives me time to chill. ..... Yeah right!!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Eyes falling out

Form sunrise to sunset, I am toiling in the office. Doing a million things that does not necessarily go towards the 'work of the day'. So it piles up to one big mess and then will one day blow up in my face.

I am so tired. My eyeballs are twitching...

The office nearly caught fire today. Good thing a colleague put it out. As it turns out, the fuse thing at the florescent lights gave way... perhaps from heavy usage.

I feel for Mr. Florescent.

Sunday, July 1, 2007


This is so cool!! Enjoy!

Spare Tyre

Zingy now has a more active social life than I do. I have to keep up.

My idea of a good weekend is about spending time together, doing things together, bonding...


-taking a 7 hour nap and then realize the weekend is too short to even do the laundry.
-then after the 7 hour nap, takes lunch at 2am in the morning and finally sleeps at 8am in the morning.
-then realize that one has screwed the working Monday and that one is perpetually tired.
-forgetting that one has a wife who needs some TLC eventhough she is 90% of the time independant.
-being on the net every waking moment.

I am frustrated.

Can't he organise his cupboard or pick up after himself.

I have realised that many times when he speaks to me, the sentences are half way, referring to wrong words etc. Y'know like when someone is watching TV and speaking to you on the phone. Sounding distant and scattered, thinking about other things and not really concentrating on the conversation.

I know he has a good heart and all. He has the best of intentions, and he is really intelligent and his brain works faster than lightning....

Sometimes these small things really get to me. I have to be more positive I guess. Close 2 eyes and get on with everything else.

So now, I am alone, with my new laptop (thank God :) ) and thinking what to eat for dinner. Zingy ffk me ... so what to do? I feel worse because I hate Sunday evenings/nights. I am all alone facing the impending arrival of Monday. Perhaps I need to go out, travel outstation more often. Perhaps he will eventually realise that I've been gone for a month and try to spend time together?? I feel overlooked. Shelved. Taken for granted. Not appreciated.

(Is this how God feels when we have no time for HIM?)